Positron Drone Tester

We deliver a simple-to-use and cost-effective automatic drone solution for asset inspections

AI-aided operations: once the drone is in position in front of the insulator, the AI SW helps the pilot to approach the target and to manage the inspection of insulators string.

The inspection is made in segments, and the Positron SW recombine the measures to provide a full view of the Electrical Field distribution. A fault is detected a few seconds after the inspection is done.

Easy and fast Inspection setup (<5 minutes per insulator).

Protects The Safety of Personnel Eliminates Costly Power Interruptions, Outages and Dangerous Conditions

HV insulators inspections

The condition of insulators on transmission and distribution power systems is of prime importance for the successful operation of a power grid. Particularly since a damaged or electrically deficient insulator(s) can lead to costly system outages, serious injury, or loss of life.

Inspections with Positron

Change in Electric Field distribution along an insulator has been proven to be effective in detecting degradation of all types of insulators including Porcelain and Composite insulators. The Positron tester is worldwide recognized as the best device for early-detection of faults in insulators.

Positron solution

After setting up a strong partnership with DRB Positron Inc., developed a revolutionary solution for inspections of HV insulators. We put all the capabilities of the Positron tester on a custom drone and payload that can go in contact with the live-line insulator and perform the Electrical Field measure.


Our solution brings to you costs reduction and above all zero risks for your O&M staff. The inspection is performed by 2 persons in 5 minutes for each insulator string.

378209D1Positron Drone Tester Specification Software